
Hello I’m Lauren, a dietitian and welcome to my site!

Nutrition and eating healthy became a passion of mine when I started seeing how chronic disease’s were impacting peoples lives around me. Trying to make a point to eat healthier everyday and consume more home cooked meals that taste delicious has helped me on this journey. I am passionate about food and cooking and looking forward to bringing you more recipes that I hope you enjoy as much as I do.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Purchases can be  made through affiliate links (click on posts and links are found under ingredients – see below) to help support my website and the free recipe content and information that I provide. It doesn’t cost you extra and using my links will help me continue buying ingredients and supplies to post more recipes. 

For Example:

2 red bell peppers
2 serrano chiles    
4 teaspoons olive oil  <—— click these links to make qualifying purchases 
3 cups zucchini, chopped
1 1/2 cups onion, chopped
